Thursday, September 11, 2008


Today was my second day of being job free. Let me tell ya, it is AWESOME! It is so nice to not be stuck in a cell for eight hours. It is wonderful being on my own time schedule. The only bad thing about not having a job is that I have time to shop which I did today. I bought a dress I really shouldn't have. This is a bad thing to do when you have no income. Here's my way of explaining why I spent too much money on the dress (this will make me feel better). Annie talked with Frances (our hero in Genoa) yesterday. She told us that the women there dress as though they're going to a cocktail party every day. I'm so used to going to work with my hair wet, no makeup on, and wearing the first thing I grab. Looks like we have to step it up a notch. Every trip out of the house is like a fashion show to these people. So you see, I had to buy the dress.

Anyway, I have decided that I will never have an office job again in my life. It is not fitting for my personality. If I never look at an excel chart again, I'll be more than okay. I need to move around, talk with people, and have changes of scenery or at least changes in my daily tasks. I'm really looking forward to teaching English because I think it'll be a great fit for me. Two days out of the office and I'm already so much happier. However, I will miss the people that I worked with. They're the ones you see here in the picture.

Well, the countdown is on big time. I leave for Arkansas on soon! I am, of course, behind on everything. I'm not feeling stressed anymore though, so that's good. Saturday is our farewell party-the TIFGAP (Traditional Italian Flag Going Away Party). Should be fun!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Moving right along

Kim and I are living together for a month before she heads to Arkansas for a pre-Italy family visit around September 15. I head to Ohio and then Illinois at the end of the month. (That's September 2008, for posterity or something.)

We talked to our hero, Francis, last week. She gave us the lowdown on our freelance teaching jobs and some advice about what neighborhoods to avoid and whatnot. Really it's only one, which I find reassuring. Now I'm on a mission to find a flat. Once that's settled, the next item weighing on my mind (other than packing) is figuring out this cell phone business.

Not to brag, but I've really mastered the art of cell phone plan and phone selection over the past few years. I'm not afraid to put in the time and research to make sure I'm getting the best deal for me. But now with a new country to figure out, I'm starting all over again! If any of our 6 readers out there in cyberspace have advice, I'd certainly welcome it. I hear the pre-pay plans are more popular in Italy than any other options. We shall see......

In the meantime, take comfort in the fact that Kim and I made some of the best cupcakes ever this past weekend. We hope to pick up mad Italian cooking skills while abroad. Maybe I'll become a chef when this is all said and done!