Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Say two rosaries, and it's fine

Today was our first day in Roma. Barbara had the taxi at the house at 9:15, we handed the keys to Massimiliano, and we were off! Two and a half hours and one good nap later, we were in Rome. The van couldn't come right up to the hotel (pedestrians only), so I waited outside with our 73 bags while Kim and Kendra checked in. The Hotel Fontana faces the Trevi Fountain, which we can hear loudly from our window. What a great sound - like the ocean.

So today was packed! First we walked past the Piazza Venezia and over to the Colosseum and spent an hour or two walking around that phenomenon. (I kept thinking about how it was used to promote and celebrate such barbaric, sadistic activities. And due to its grandeur and endurance, it's still celebrated today!)

After the Colosseum, we slugged our already tired feet* west to the Pantheon. What a great building! It's the only building in the city still in its original state, completely intact. Wow! Very grand, perfectly built, with an opening in the middle of the domed ceiling. Gorgeous.

We treated ourselves to some coffee, gelato, and a little pizza in the afternoon. We trekked back to the Colosseum, where we met Kim's cousin Gianluca. His girlfriend Martina drove us to his mother's house. Laura had made us a full Italian meal of canneloni, steak, salad, enormous rolls, prosciutto, cheese, wine, coke, chocolate, and panettonni. Mamma mia, I'm full.

This family was hilarious. Smart-alecs one and all, we chuckled throughout the evening. Though I can't remember everything, one conversation that stands out was about the Catholic church. They're all Catholic, of course. We agreed that the new pope usually displays a cranky facial expression. He's German, Laura explained. Hee hee. She described one of his cardinals, who she thinks is exceptionally good looking. She then shared her belief that the church should allow priests and whatnot to marry and have families. (Coincidence?) Her son play-scolded her for talking about the cardinal's good looks, but I told her two rosaries would make it all better. Hah!

Her home was beautiful, and the food was fantastic. We looked through some old family photos, and left around 11 this evening. We're tired over here! I wish we could sleep in tomorrow, but we have another full day of Vatican visiting, Sistine Chapel viewing, Spanish steps climbing, and pizza eating.

Ciao, America.

*Kendra's and my feet are pretty sore. Kim's are out of control. Her toes inexplicably pop through brand new pairs of socks, and then they rub right up against the shoes and drive her crazy. She has hawk claws for toes, people. She is the Hulk.

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