Monday, December 15, 2008

Annie's spoon debacle

Where are my spoons?

I broke down and bought a few (3) olive wood spoons for myself for kitchen use.  I also found a nice gift for a family member (can't spoil it here), and was pretty proud of myself for spending under 20 euro two days before we leave.  I'm getting intensely sentimental, and want to buy or take pictures of everything.  Usually I opt for pictures, but not always.....

Anyway, all three of us made purchases at the olive wood store today.  We all found things for ourselves and things for others, and we all walked away with little red bags full of purchases.  After an entertaining evening (to be discussed in the next post), we came home, made dinner, and started packing.  I soon realized that I had no red bag.  Where could it be?  I'm quite forgetful, so I started hunting.  This happened with our keys a few days ago, and we could only leave the house one at a time for a while until I found them.  Luckily we're not as stuck this time, but it's still a disappointment.  After verbally retracing my steps with the girls, I think I must have left my bag on the bus.  Shame shame shame..... che peccato!


Kim said...

I solved the mystery of the spoons! They are safe and sound in my pink suitcase in Arkansas. Woops! Sorry Annie!

Anonymous said...

translated as..."sorry annie, I stole your spoons because I wanted them for myself"