Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I could never be in an Indiana Jones Movie

Kim spent the night last night to use the internet and get in some quality Annie time.  (You know you miss me.)  She opened the door to leave today, and in scurried a tiny lizard.  This guy has really jerky movements and does Not want to leave my apartment.  What do we do??  (Sidebar to Dad: I almost called you, but figured you'd tell me to suck it up and pick him up.  I Can't!)

So a ridiculous girly scene ensues.  We try to scare him towards the open door, but our actions cause him to venture in further.  (And don't think I'm not thinking about all of the other lizards out there who might saunter into said open door.)  Kim screams, and I jump on the couch.  He goes behind the snowboard.  Behind the TV.  Behind my closet.  This is unacceptable.  I move all furniture to the center of the room.  We find a tennis racket.  Progress.  

First we try scaring him by rattling the wall with the racket.  This pretty much makes him stay still and play opossum.  After some more rattling, yelling, and stomping, we get him halfway back toward the door, on the wall.  My triumphant moment: I use my novice backhand swing to swat him from the wall to the doorway and proceed to jump up and down.  Of course, he goes behind the door.  Again.

We are freaked out.  After a little more poking and prodding, he is in the doorway.  Kim and I are taking turns being brave (for sissy-girls), and it's her turn to swat.  So she gets him out the door, and we slam it shut.  Success!!!!!

This has zapped my energy, which returns immediately with alarm every time I feel a tickle on my toe, arm, chin, etc.  How do I know there aren't 3 more in here?  That will crawl in my mouth while I'm sleeping a la Parent Trap the remake?  EWW.


Anonymous said...

That's what you get for inviting Kim to stay know little critters flock to her wherever she is...need I remind you of the little mouse snuggled up close with her teddy bear that caused the infamous quickest move in history?

Annie said...

Good point! It really freaked us out, too. Gah - I can't imagine waking up with one. Blech!!

Anonymous said...

Lizards have never really bothered me...crickets on the other hand freak me out to no end.

DaveR said...

Suck it up Annie! It's just a lizard. It has no reason for wanting to be anywhere near you, unless you are made out of delicious insects. ;)

I've been reading your blog during lunch (ok, fine, whenever I'm bored at work) and it's been great so far! It sounds like you two crazy kids are having a blast (well, more or less).

Kim, sorry to hear about your internet woes. :( I'm sure you'll get them straightened out soon!

KUhler said...

Oh dear! WE I can relate...a few weeks ago I was driving home from work with the windows down and was assaulted by a locust who tried to get a free ride. After many attempts to rid him of my vehicle and many panicky moments for myself and other motorists nearby I finally freed myself from that free wheeling jerk of a locust. I was victimized that day...I have not driven with the windows down again. So in short, yes Annie, you should wear a SARS mask while sleeping from now one just to be safe and lizard free!