Saturday, October 11, 2008

My Luggage Arrived!

Thank you to everyone for your concern for my luggage. We picked it up the evening after we arrived in Napoli. My things made it, but my bag did not. It was completely ripped to shreds. I guess that teaches me to not buy cheap things in Chinatown. I think I paid $50 for it. Well, I had to buy a suitcase to get my things to Genova. Of course my cousin, Nico, kept saying "no worries, no stress." With his attitude, I would have never gotten a new suitcase. I had to give in and buy an expensive (and pink) one while Annie and I were shopping on via roma. I definitely brought way too much with me.


Unknown said...

Yay luggage!! Boooooo cheap bag. Did you get the form to fill out saying that they ripped your bag to shreds so they'll give you money for it? The one that I got from Greece and never sent in? Keep writing ladies...don't you know I'm living vicariously through you?!

Unknown said...

oh no! not that damn bag we dragged all around chinatown!! too funny (well, hopefully in hindsight...)!