Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Preparations

In preparation for the upcoming holiday, Annie and I have been on a turkey hunt (thankfully not with bows and arrows). Today, we were victorious! We found a turkey. Well, part of one anyway. Ironically, neither of us are big turkey gobblers. However, to give our Italian friends the full American traditional meal, we feel a turkey is a must. For awhile, I was worried we would be stuffing a chicken. Here's what else is on the menu: mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean bundles, homemade bread, deviled eggs, stuffin' (we're fighting over calling it stuffin' or stuffing, but this is me typing - stuffin' it is), cheesecake, and hopefully a pumpkin pie. All of this will be made with no electrical appliances and from scratch. The search for food has been a long and tedious one. We truly feel like pilgrims. It has been difficult to find certain ingredients that we're so used to having...for example, sour cream. Not only can we not find it, we also stand in the grocery store with our dictionary looking up every word on items in the cold section. Fun times. We also have yet to find a can of pumpkin pie filling. So, we'll be scraping out the inside of a pumpkin come Friday. We've now been to five different stores (not including the fresh markets) in search of the needed ingredients. We have not found them all and so the hunt continues.

Annie's roommates from Genoa, Simona and Francesca, are arriving Friday and our Thanksgiving feast will be Saturday. We are thankful to have found such great friends here in Italy. We definitely will miss our friends and family back home (well, most of you). Both of us agree, that our experience in Italy has made us more thankful for the blessings in our lives and all the conveniences the US provides. We're very thankful that at this moment, we're cooking dinner, eating amazing cheese and drinking fabulous wine, and listening to Christmas music (and all you suckers are at work - mwahaha).

We wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving and I'm sure we'll give you a full report of ours. ~Kim & Annie