Friday, November 21, 2008

We made gnocchi!

Welcome to Kim & Annie's kitchen. Tonight, we made homemade gnocchi from scratch - with NO electrical appliances. Since we've been eating gnocchi like it's our job (since, well, it kinda is our job right now), we decided to go straight to the source. How is this stuff made? We've heard it's really complicated and time consuming. Can we do it? Yes, we can! And we did.

Here are the ingredients needed for gnocchi:

1) potatoes
2) flour
3) lots of time
4) wine and champagne
5) cheese
6) the movie Elf

Okay, okay, maybe you just need numbers 1-3 for the gnocchi. The process is much more fun though if you add numbers 4-6. We may have gone a bit overboard in our first gnocchi production. We made waaay too much and will be eating gnocchi for awhile. Something tells me that it won't go to waste.

If you're interested in seeing how we made our gnocchi, here are the pictures from our fun Friday evening.